“Always A Privilege To Hear Chris Speak. Insightful.”

David Williams, MBE

This is not just technological disruption.

History is pretty clear. While the world is always changing. But change isn’t always smooth. Businesses and individuals unaware of change at the most pivotal moments, don’t survive.  

We’re living through such an era today. 

A pivotal moment in human history. This is not just technological directions, but Radical Social change.

"One of the most fascinating conversations I've had, in podcasting and in general."

Adam Baruh, Host of Beyond the Microphone Podcast

Hoping change will be kind to you is not a strategy.

Shifting cultural philosophies and disruptive technology can be great for business.

But it can also spell be the end.

This needed be the case.

‘We’ve always done it this way’ is perhaps the most dangerous phrase in the English language.

Those subconsciously  singing this mantra, have fallen to the sword of progress.

This is not just the likes of small artisan shops that gave way to the march of the supermarket in the 1970s and 1980s, or craft-worker that saw their livelihoods taken away by factory production at the start of the industrial revolution.

In 1988 Kodak had 145,000 workers and over 60% of the world share withing the photographic industry. By 2011, it was all over. Kodak had become a victim to bad business and the wave of technological progress in the form of the digital camera.

BlackBerry was a gamechanger. More than simply ushering in the new era of the smartphone, a BlackBerry was a status symbol. On 4th Jan 2022, they shut down operations, effectively ending the brand.

The lesson from these?

Progress is not smooth. While we live in a world of constant change, the pace of change is not consistent. At times it jumps, ushering in a landscape of rapid disruption, uncertainty, and to many business – even the world’s best – chaos.

On which side of progress will you fall?

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Get Chris' book...

"We're at a major pivot point in human history" - Chris Marshall

The world is at a pivotal point. Change is occurring at every level of society. Those who don’t understand how this is playing out, and how innovation jumps – risk falling behind. 

In this book, I peel back the uncertainty surrounding global change. Look at frameworks to better see and understand change, and look at how innovation cycles, information revolutions and shifts in cultural philosophy have unfolded through history, and how such changes can impact us as individuals and broader society. 


Readers' Favorites

If you love history, forecasts, or making decisions based on scientific facts and intelligent conclusions, you should read this book. And if you don’t, the book’s deeply researched content and logical conclusions will win you over.

Chris Marshall